Transport Impact Assessments

Over the past five years we have completed well over 1,500 traffic and transport impact assessments for a wide range of developments across Australia. This work has included intersection analysis, traffic modelling, traffic surveys, parking relaxation assessments, travel access guides and green travel plans, preparation of expert witness reports and negotiating access and parking solutions with Council officers. A number of our traffic engineers have local government backgrounds and thoroughly understand the planning and approval processes associated with development applications. We provide access and parking advice in the project development phase as well as preparing traffic and parking reports for inclusion with development applications.

We are also experienced in developing green travel plans for achieving reductions in development-traffic and parking needs.

We have completed Traffic and Transport Impact Assessments for just about every type of land use development imaginable, as well as for master planning studies, environmental assessments and feasibility assessments. This means we can apply this experience to any new challenge which arises.

Bitzios Consulting has been instrumental in the re-writing of the Traffic Impact Assessment guidelines in Queensland, pioneering innovative contemporary approaches to impact mitigation analysis as well as finalising the NSW guidelines update.

Some examples include:

  • Major supermarkets developments such as Aldi, Coles and Woolworths as well as IGA and regional stores
  • High-rise apartments – residential and tourist accommodation throughout QLD and NSW
  • Office buildings – in various city centre and town centre locations
  • Industrial developments ranging from major subdivisions to individual developments
  • Service stations and fast foods – including highway service centres
  • Residential subdivisions including some over 3,000 lots
  • Mixed-use commercial/retail/residential developments in regenerated town centres
  • Environmental impact assessments: for EIS’s and REFs
  • Major event impact assessments for recurring and one-off events
  • Child Care Centres
  • Special facilities – such as stadiums, showgrounds and cultural centres
  • Driveway and parking layout assessments
  • Turning path assessments for all types of commercial and industrial developments
  • Public transport, pedestrian and cyclist needs assessments
  • Heavy vehicle impact assessments for quarry and mine developments
  • Parking relaxation assessments using survey data and first principles analyses
  • Infrastructure charges / Section 94 schemes in QLD and NSW
  • Traffic management plans
  • Traffic control plans

We have also provided expert witness services to various courts in QLD and NSW for various development types.

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