Goulburn CBD 40kmh HPAA Concept Designs
Posted: 12th December 2024
Bitzios Consulting was commissioned by Goulburn Mulwaree Council to prepare a concept design for a 40 km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area in Goulburn’s Central Business District (CBD). Auburn Street is the spine of Goulburn’s CBD and it provides access to retail and service businesses on both sides and along all side roads. The posted speed limit on Auburn Street, all side roads from it, and on Bourke Street was 50 km/h. The study investigated the current traffic flows and speeds, as well as analysing historical crash data. The scheme, for which a concept design was prepared, allowed for the reduction in the speed limit on these roads to 40 km/h. The recommended works included new pedestrian facilities, safe crossing points and traffic calming treatments.